CANCELLATION OF THE TITLE: By His Grace: An Anthology of Awesome Testimonies
Due to disputes over the continued publishing rights to the title, By His Grace: An Anthology of Awesome Testimonies by Sydney Ukonu (second edition), after the author’s death, Griots Lounge Publishing Canada will wish to discontinue and cancel the planned release of the book this fall. We are aware of the work that the author put into editing and reworking this edition with our team. Please be assured that our legal team put in all efforts to ensure that the second edition is published. But we would rather cancel as a few members of his estate would wish to discontinue with the release.
Griots Lounge Publishing Canada is a reputable and young press based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We have huge respect for our authors and their legacies. We continue to ensure that we stand with the truth but will consider peaceful resolution as a pathway to honouring the works of our authors. We have decided to respect the wish (albeit unfortunate) of some of the members of the author’s estate to cancel and not showcase the works of the second edition of this title.
All distributors and retailers have now been informed and will begin the process of unpublishing and cancelling the planned release. As much as we are aware, there are no back orders for the title, which means that we wouldn’t be needing to make refunds. We will expect a smooth process of cancellation.
Please stay strong with us as we celebrate the beautiful and more titles that we have coming.